Director’s Message
The academic pedagogy is accomplished through placement strategy that exposes the students to the corporate world environment. Our Institute broadly conducts the placement activities wherein it takes care of the pre-placement tests, summer training and final placement. We provide enough opportunity round the year to expose our students to various co-curricular activities. Our objective is to cater the need of the society by nurturing future leaders & entrepreneurs with latest technology and development in the field of management education. As a consequence, we are sure, they will face the world with greater confidence, audacity and a sense of responsibility. The most important part of the Institute life is academic excellence. Our academic programmes show more coherence & more abundance. The staff members are well qualified and experienced, who take pains to instill the intricacies of the same. They have renewed and enhanced perseverance to teaching. The students are expected to lead a disciplined life.
Dr. Narinder Mohan
(Director DIRD)